Tcompliance has completed a Tcertification due diligence review of PT. Globalindo Reka Praya. Certification by Tcompliance signifies that PT. Globalindo Reka Praya has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. Tcertification underscores PT. Globalindo Reka Praya's commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.

About Tcompliance
Tcompliance ( is a leading provider of widely benchmarked third party risk management solutions. Founded in 2007, Tcompliance meets a growing demand for comprehensive third party due diligence and background check with an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) component analysis.

Tcompliance's due diligence and background check process includes evaluating and assessing the environmental, social, and governance practices of the entities being reviewed. The ESG component focuses on factors such as environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices of the organizations involved. By considering ESG factors, Tcompliance aims to provide a more holistic evaluation of the entities' overall sustainability and ethical practices. Currently an ESG component is compulsory for companies seeking to be enlisted in the Stock Exchange, and investors also demand that companies be ESG certified.

Tcompliance offers due diligence and background check solutions that eliminate screening costs for multinational companies while providing the assurance that third parties have completed a detailed review based on globally accepted best practices. As a leading due diligence and background check provider with anti-bribery expertise, Tcompliance has conducted over 600,000 reviews in every non-sanctioned country.

Tcertification of Globalindo Reka Praya
Tcertification is a heavily benchmarked and comprehensive due diligence and background check review, analysis and approval process establishing that an individual or organization has been thoroughly vetted, trained and certified by Tcompliance. A Tcertified company such as Globalindo Reka Praya is a pre-vetted partner for multinational companies seeking to do business with suppliers, agents and consultants who share their commitment to commercial transparency.

The Tcertification review process is based on internationally accepted standards and requires candidates to complete global anti-bribery training, adopt a code of conduct and update due diligence information annually. Reports include daily screening of names against international sanctions and enforcement lists.
As a Tcertified company, Globalindo Reka Praya is included in the Intermediary Directory, a publicly searchable database of pre-vetted and trained small and medium-sized entities worldwide. Users may request and obtain Tcertified Due Diligence and background check reports for third parties in the Intermediary Directory at no cost.
The successful Tcertification of Globalindo Reka Praya by Tcompliance demonstrates the company’s commitment to commercial transparency, allowing to serve as a valued business partner to multinational companies.